Friday, April 12, 2013


Well guys, I did it. I bought myself a cow today!

Her name is Flash, and she's a teeny, tiny 2 year old Jersey who just calved on March 12th for the very first time. She'll grow to a normal Jersey size in time, but since she's still a youngster right now she's quite small in stature. I think the seller said about 46 inches tall? Despite her lack of height, she's milking a nice 4 gallons a day, and should go up slightly more as she reaches her peak (which is 8 weeks). She's your typical brown Jersey, but instead of having a black face like Mattie, this little lady has white around her eyes and nose. 

After striking a deal with the seller, I set up a day to have my new girl delivered; she should be here by Tuesday or Wednesday if all goes according to the plan. 

I'm excited to have a cow again, but I also have to admit that I'm dreading the first week. Cows hate change. And not only will she be in a completely new setting, but I also have to halter break her as fast as possible, teach her to lead, and get her used to being milked. I've been warned that she's a kicker, so I'm buying hobbles specifically for the occasion. 

I'll be sure to share pictures when she gets here, so don't get too far away! ;)

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