Thursday, April 11, 2013

Have A Listen: Farming Webinars!

I don't even remember how I found the link, but I have immensely enjoyed the opportunity to listen to some awesome farming webinars that are put out by the University of Vermont. They've been great to listen to, and I've come away with new knowledge, tips, and ideas. 

I thought I'd share the treasure trove of info with y'all, so here you go! The website can be found by clicking HERE! They're always doing new webinars too, so if you don't see anything that immediately catches your eye, stick around and see if something new comes up. :)

Photo courtesy of


  1. that's so awesome! Thank you for sharing your treasure! hehe

  2. Interesting I'm sure, and love the poster! I love those old vintage food/war posters...

  3. I am heading to Oregon and my son is heading to UVM!!! In fact, the program he wants to pursue is in the same school as the ag programs.....funny!


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