Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I Want YOU. (yeah, you.)

  Hear ye', hear ye! I'm looking for a Hobbit to share in an adventure! Oh wait, that's a movie line... Not what I meant to say. Scratch that. I'm not looking for a Hobbit (but if you find one, let me know!), I'm looking for a human. Specifically YOU. Yep. You.

  If we want to get even more specific, I'm looking for some writers. And yes, that still means you; even if you say you haven't written anything since your college days. 

  Folks, I want to do some knowledge sharing around this place. I want some guest writers. And shucks, what better way to do this than to ask my very own readers!? So I'm putting this out here for your consideration: I would love to hear from you. I know for a fact that you know enough about something to write up a post; so why not share that knowledge with the rest of us? Pretty please? I sincerely want to hear from you! We're talking all kinds of subjects; small farming topics, homesteading, DIY, gardening, animals, wildcrafting, beekeeping, soap making, elephant hunting (hehe), training herding dogs or horses, creating straw bale houses, predator control, what it's like to run a 10,000 hog CAFO,... You get the idea. 

 Your posts would be shared once a week, and if you have a website or blog, then yes you may give yourself a shout-out in your post. 

 So who wants to be the first? C'mon guys... Don't make me beg, m'kay? I don't do so well with the begging. And you know you want to write on here... Stop listening to the voices in your head that say you don't know what to write, or how to write, or that you're too busy to do it. That's an order from The Caitlyn herself. ;) 

 I'll even make life easy for you. Right HERE is the link that you send your post idea to, or attach that Word document to. Wow. How delightfully easy. Write it up, send it in, and I do all the hard grunt work of posting it for you. 

  And let me know when you find that Hobbit.


  1. Wow, this is so cool! I would love to write something up and I have so many ideas, but I am too busy studying for my final exams in school. :(
    Maybe next time?

  2. Thinking and scratching head ~~~~


Psst! I LOVE comments!