Thursday, December 5, 2013

Stories Coming!

Hey guys! I'm writing this from Missouri! I've got tales to tell, but I can't share them just yet; breakfast will be ready in about 2 minutes, and then I have to go milk the cows. :)

 But no worries, I've got stories coming... Lots of 'em. Missouri is proving to be a pretty place, Gyp and I are settling in quickly, and the wood stove and I finally found a compromise in life; I feed it wood in a nice manner, and it in turn keeps me WARM (without being grumpy) so that I don't have a repeat of last night where I was sleeping with five blankets, and a fleece sweater with the hood pulled up. ;) Yep, it was cold and comical. 

  So toodle pip and cheerio! I'll catch y'all later! Right now I need to go eat something... I'm feeling positively famished!


Psst! I LOVE comments!