Oh boy... You want to know about the writer behind the screen? Hang on to your hats folks, because here we go!
Ranking in at 24 years old, I am a farmer, writer and business coach. I started farming in earnest 9 years ago on my family's land in Oregon; beginning with one acre, then moving up to using my neighbor's 98 acres of land for a couple seasons, and then made the decision to put the farm on hiatus so I could intern on a small dairy farm in Missouri. Life took an interesting turn and I ended up marrying into the family I was interning with, and now I'm a blissfully happy, permanent resident of this gorgeous place. My husband and I are in the beginning phase of a farm of our own; we raise Rose Veal on a piece of rented ground, and plan to add aquaponics, lavender, and hogs to the mix as we go.
Livestock is my main interest in the farming world; any kind will do me. Beyond that, I love working with honey bees, I adore training animals (horses mostly), and I have an ongoing interest in fruit trees (namely cider apples), and I keep telling myself that someday I'm going to have a HUGE field of lavender plants just because I think it's pretty.
Livestock is my main interest in the farming world; any kind will do me. Beyond that, I love working with honey bees, I adore training animals (horses mostly), and I have an ongoing interest in fruit trees (namely cider apples), and I keep telling myself that someday I'm going to have a HUGE field of lavender plants just because I think it's pretty.
I'm a quirky character who might, off the bat, describe herself as a quiet introvert with an overdeveloped sense of humor. But between you and me, I think there's actually an extrovert hiding beneath that blanket of introvertedness. I like to drive people crazy by singing off-key; I like to quote movie lines and can hold an entire conversation with this pre-set dialogue (ask me how I know...); I like to pull pranks on people. And I like to laugh. Actually, that's an understatement: I love to laugh. Making people laugh brings equal pleasure. I'm terrible at keeping a straight face when needed, I get claustrophobic in large groups of people, and my greatest fear in life are needles. Storms, spiders, and heights follow closely after that. Favorite hobbies (besides farming) would be hunting, archery, biking, target shooting, dancing, hockey, airsoft, yoga, and watching Doctor Who.
I'm a dreamer, but also someone who knows how to look at, and accept, hard facts. I firmly believe that nothing is impossible. Impassible, perhaps; but not impossible. I'm stubborn when I want to be (which is quite often), and when I'm mad I unconsciously slip into talking with a Scottish burr. Please don't make me mad just to hear it. ;)
I was originally heading for a degree in veterinary medicine; it had been a dream since childhood, but changed my mind at the very last moment ( I had the enrollment papers in my hands...). Vet work still intrigues me, but the farm is my passion and calling. So I threw away my enrollment forms and started searching Craigslist for a cow. I think it was a good trade off.
I'm a snob when it comes to quality, and I can't help it. I love really big trucks (Dodge is a first love, Ford is a second runner up) and lifted diesel ones fairly make me swoon; I especially love big trucks that are manual drive. Am I the only one who feels like they could conquer the world when driving with a stick shift??? My favorite companies are Carhartt and Bogs, if we wanna' talk dream horses then I'll point you in the direction of a Gypsy Vanner, which I'll probably never ever own seeing as they cost more than a new Dodge Ram 2500... I'm a total nut when it comes to bloodlines in animals. Kastdemur's and Six M Galaxy are my favorite when it comes to Nubian goats, Beebe has awesome English Shepherds, I'm fond of Driftwood quarter horses, and let's not even start comparing bloodlines on Ko Shamo chickens... Why is it that I can remember the pedigree of a six inch tall chicken, but I can't remember how to deal with fractions in math problems? Never mind... Let's not go there.
I've had many a wild career idea when I was knee high to a grasshopper. When I was eight I wanted to be a marine biologist. I could barely even say the name, but I wanted to be one. After that you had other things such as an ostrich farmer (I will blushingly admit that to be true), a herpetologist (someone who studies reptiles and amphibians), a horse trainer, a zoo keeper, and a veterinarian. Yup, and then at the end of it all I became a farmer. Funny how life turns out.
I'm easily amused, and easily contented. My favorite movie is Princess Bride, and yes I own it. ^_^ Although I still don't see why Wesley was so twitterpated with Buttercup... I think we can all agree though, that Miracle Max is awesome, right?? Can I see a show of hands? Please agree, otherwise I might have to send the brute squad. LOL. Okay enough already... I need to stop here before I say something really screwy.
In the end, I'm rather an enigma, but I think that's okay. I like to keep people guessing. :)

you are awesome..:)
Okay I found your blog when searching for the "how to" for sprouting grain for fodder, and as always I had to read the "about" section because frankly I enjoy knowing about the writer. You have truly refueled myself confidence. I'm 20 years old and I started my farming operation 3 years ago as well. I raise registered beef cattle, dairy goats, sheep, and meat rabbits. I too dropped out of college while becoming an agronomist (interesting work but not the passion). Recently, I have been concerned with the question of "can I really make it?" But it is really awesome to see another young female farmer busting her tail to make her way. Thanks for the renaissance of inspiration! :)
Okay I found your blog when searching for the "how to" for sprouting grain for fodder, and as always I had to read the "about" section because frankly I enjoy knowing about the writer. You have truly refueled myself confidence. I'm 20 years old and I started my farming operation 3 years ago as well. I raise registered beef cattle, dairy goats, sheep, and meat rabbits. I too dropped out of college while becoming an agronomist (interesting work but not the passion). Recently, I have been concerned with the question of "can I really make it?" But it is really awesome to see another young female farmer busting her tail to make her way. Thanks for the renaissance of inspiration! :)
I too found your blog by hunting for fodder answers. I am pretty sure if I were closer we would be good friends. I LOVE gardening, chickens, we raise cattle, love to go hog hunting with dogs, and we are both obsessed with bow hunting. I hope you dont mind but I am going to drop you in my favs and watch your blog for new ideas. Thanks for the fodder part !!! Susy
Trying not to be super internet stalker-y here, but I stumbled across your blog and I think you're my hero. I'm 24 and just started a small farm in NC. I raise heritage breed laying hens and nubian goats (and a Saanen, too), and grow heirloom vegetables and flowers for market. Also about to get my first English Shepherd this summer! I am very much hoping that the laws regarding raw milk here change soon (there's a bill in consideration!) as I would love to expand my goat herd, add cows, and focus more on the dairy aspect of the business. Anyways, I love your blog, you're super inspiring, and if you're ever in the piedmont of NC, stop by!
Goat Song! Hello! Caitlin, I remember you from The Goat Spot a few years ago... It's so GREAT to see you shining with your own website and writing career! Well done, you! You were kind enough back then to let me critique your personal memoir -- are you still working on that? I hope so -- you have an amazing story to tell!
I just saw your goat feed mix and can't wait to try it out! It looks simple-ish to make and really good!
Well, good to "see" you again, and so glad that you are interning at your favorite Farm!
Krista Callas
Mandara Farm
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